Thursday, 15 December 2016


Panophobia feedback
(First draft)
Add Institutions and title to the start of the opening
Change the photos for clearer ones
Possibly include clips of the friends in different locations



What elements of this sequence did you feel were successful? Give at least two elements, and explain why they were successful.
"I liked the end scene of the phone being filmed and Amara holding the lighter - large element of suspicion - want to carry on watching."
"Very inventive titles.
The music was appropriate.
Good sense of enigma at the end.
Well edited - I liked how it was slightly jumpy and fast."
"- Love the voiceover.
- Clear title.
- True expression.
- Love the titles.
- Plea involves audience."
"- nice twists at the end, keeps people interested
- Good acting which added to the drama"
Were there any aspects of the sequence which you felt were confusing/distracting/missing, etc?
"Maybe too many blank screens so people think its over."
"At times the voice overs were not very clear."
"Didn't understand music - feel like you needed something more upbeat."
"I couldn't see the pictures when they turned them around."
List 2 things which you feel would have improved this sequence and explain your opinion.
"Shorten black screens."
"Make ending more clear that she is watching."
"Make the picture showing part longer."
"The audio could be a bit clearer."

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