Thursday, 22 September 2016

Narrative- The telling of a story

Barthes- signs and clues

Primitive idea of narrative (the beginning , middle and end)

Equilibrium- state of normality
Destruction of equilibrium
Restoration of equilibrium
New equilibrium found

Common structure
Certain types of characters ( the hero, villain, doner, dispatcher, false hero, helper, the princess and her father)

Levi- strauss
Binary opposites are what narratives are based around
 e.g  Good vs evil
       Old and young
       Cheerful and grumpy

In the movie ' Up' Tordorovs Theory is shown when  they see the baby in the clouds and get exited about wanting the baby to later find out that they couldnt do so, they also face other obstacles that stop them from saving money such and a broken down car, a broken leg and a tree collapsing on the house. Binary opposites are also shown between the two characters when the he puts a handprint on the letter box accidentally and sees it as a problem but she adds hers and makes it okay.  She is shown to be a character who tries to see the best in everything whereas he is the opposite.

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